Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Kim Hyung-joon umumkan Pembukaan HnB Company!

Tanggal 29 Desember 2010! Hari ini adalah harinya Kim Hyung-joon dari SS501, tweet pesan pada tanggal 28 Desember sebagai berikut"

“Please look forward to the opening of www.PiroPiro.co.kr 12/29″
 Dapatkan barang-barang berbentuk binatang telah ada, SS501/U-kiss  pesta telah dimulai! Mr. Ceo, apakah  Teddy diundang juga?

Berita beberapa waktu yang lalu:
Selebriti Kim Hyung-joon dan Kim Ki-bum ingin membuat mimpimu menjadi kenyataan!

Penyanyi SS501 (Hyung-joon) dan anggota U-kiss  (Ki-bum)  bersama-sama  mensupport Piro Piro dengan memperkenalkan perusahaan baru dibidang Agency Entertainment HnB Company.
Baca tweets resmi dari  Ki-bum:
“Hello everyone~ It’s the d-day, Sep 4th, 2010. We finally opened our website HnBcompany.com. HnBcompany(standing for Hyungjun and Kibum) will focus on Character Development and Entertainment Business in Korea. Not only focusing on Piro Piro, the character business, the HnBcompany will also act as the global agency for the singers and entertainers.
We promise you that we will provide you pleasure and happiness with lots of upcoming events. HnBcompany.com on Sep 4th! The opening of PiroPiro.com on Sep 5th! Furthermore, you will get the chance to experience characterized fancy goods at the end of September.
You won’t be disappointed! Thank you”

Check out Piro Piro here and view the preview site to HnB here

Source: @Hyungjun87

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